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How Needle-Free Vaccinations Can Help Improve Public Health

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NMS Flu Team
Published on
November 24, 2018 at 11:14:00 AM PST November 24, 2018 at 11:14:00 AM PSTth, November 24, 2018 at 11:14:00 AM PST

Needle-free vaccinations could be the key to ensuring more young children receive their necessary inoculations, improving global public health overall. Already used for vaccinations protecting against certain disease types, this delivery method for medication could make a drastic difference in health for children worldwide.

Alternative Delivery Methods For Preventative Care

Currently, needle-free vaccine delivery is used for several different types of disease prevention. Many flu vaccines, such as the AFLURIA Seqirus flu vaccine, are available in either traditional syringe delivery forms or in needle-free varieties. While syringes remain the typical method for vaccine delivery, needle-free options come with a variety of benefits for patients everywhere, particularly younger patients.

Reduction of Needle-Related Anxiety

For many children and adults, the process of getting vaccinated can create anxiety so intense that it creates a barrier to accessing care and treatment. Adults with phobias of needles may avoid helpful vaccinations, and parents may resist taking their children to be vaccinated in order to avoid causing their child distress. Additionally, certain seniors may struggle psychologically with injections, due to irritability associated with certain mental conditions that often occur with age, such as Alzheimer's.

However, having a potential option for vaccination that does not require syringes or injections will allow for increased access to flu vaccines for seniors, phobic adults, and young children alike. Without having to deal with the process of injection, more people will likely feel comfortable enough to receive vaccinations more frequently.

Potential For Increased Rates Of Vaccination

Additionally, needle-free vaccinations can benefit countless individuals worldwide who otherwise would not be vaccinated. An estimated 19.5 million children under one year did not receive DTP3 vaccines. With the development of needle-free vaccine options, similar to the AFLURIA Seqirus vaccine for the flu, more children will likely be vaccinated worldwide, improving global public health.

As important as vaccination is for the health of both individuals and the general public, many people skip or delay required vaccinations. With improvements in needle-free vaccination technology, it is likely that a rise in the rate of individuals getting vaccinated against preventable disease will follow. Vaccinations are an essential part of public health, and increases in the rates of vaccination will result in a safer and healthier population.