Articles tagged #FLU
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Maximizing Use of Multidose Vials
There are 10 doses in each multidose vial. To help ensure that you’re able to retrieve all 10 doses, we’ve outlined a few tips below.
Strain Recommendations for the 2018-2019 Flu Season
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that quadrivalent vaccines for the 2018-2019 northern hemisphere influenza season contain the following:
Fluad Projected To Begin Shipping Week of August 6, 2018
According to communications with Seqirus, NMS projects Fluad shipments will begin the week of August 6th.
According to communications from both Sanofi and Seqirus flu vaccine presentations from both manufacturers will begin shipping in August 2018. If your facility or practice prefers to have flu vaccine in stock early to offer to your patients please reach out to schedule an early delivery of vaccine.
What To Do If You Get the Flu
This year's flu season has been particularly difficult with a significantly larger population suffering from exposure. Influenza activity historically has begun in October and lasts until February. With the flu season in full swing, here are some tips on what to do if you contract the flu virus:
Trivalent Vaccine Still Available
NMS is still shipping Trivalent flu vaccine. While many other suppliers are stocked out NMS continues to offer this option to healthcare providers.
Sanofi Pasteur and GSK Begin to Ship Flu Vaccine for 2017/18 Season
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released the first doses of influenza vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur and GSK. Sanofi is projected to manufacture 70 million doses for this year's flu season. GSK expects to supply up to 40 million doses.
Microneedle Pain-Free Patch Could Soon Replace Flu Shot
A bandage-like microneedle patch could soon replace the traditional flu shot.
Sanofi Purchases US Flu Vaccine Manufacturer Protein Sciences
Sanofi, a French multinational pharmaceutical company, has agreed to purchase US based Protein Sciences. In addition to Sanofi's current flu vaccine line up, the acquisition will expand their flu portfolio with non-egg based flu vaccine.
Trivalent Vaccine Still Available to Pre-Book
NMS is still accepting pre-book orders for Fluvirin and/or Afluria trivalent multi-dose vials. These two presentations are sold out with most other suppliers. Place your orders now!